Just for the Health of It

Tea and health - two good things that go great together.

These days, we can't pick up a magazine or newspaper without reading something about the benefits of tea. Everywhere we look, someone is doing a study proving a myriad of benefits from drinking white, green, oolong, black and pu'er tea. And yes, there are also outlandish claims being made by less scrupulous purveyors of tea hoping to scam the unknowing out of their hard-earned dollars with low quality tea.

In the middle of it all is MandalaTea, because while we first drink tea because we love the ritual, the flavors and the aromas, we also LOVE the way it makes us feel and understand that there are many health-giving qualities that tea may impart unto the drinker. We know firsthand that hydration is improved when we drink tea. We use tea as our pre- and post-workout beverage for just that reason. It helps us recover when we overindulge in greasy meals or alcohol. Simply put, it makes us feel better.

We get emails nearly everyday from customers who share with us their stories of improved (and improving) health. Improved digestion, more even energy throughout the day, better sleep at night, more relaxed... that is some of what we hear. Former coffee drinkers who have switched to tea report feeling much calmer, less jangly and jittery and no longer get the "I missed my morning coffee" headaches.

Aside from how great tea can make us feel in the now, there are many other aspects to it that will help us in the long run, as well. Cancer prevention, circulatory system protection, cholesterol lowering, metabolism support, digestive support, the prevention or slowing of Alzheimer's disease, dental health aid... all of these, and more, are things that are being studied with tea as the control.

Some people assume that because tea is "good" for us, that it is supposed to taste bad. We here at MandalaTea proffer that the tea that tastes the best is also the best tea for our health!

You *can* have your cup and benefit from it, too!